Teatro Le Ombre APS | DIAMO UN SENSO AL MONDO_2010/2011


progetto d’educazione teatrale per bambini

L’Associazione Teatrale Le Ombre nell’ambito del progetto “Racconti dal mondo”, finanziato dall’Agenzia Nazionale Giovani del Ministero della Gioventù (www.agenziagiovani.it), conclude il laboratorio di teatro tenutosi in collaborazione con la scuola dell’infanzia “Tre sei” di Borgo S. Maria.

Progetto riassuntivo:

The project, “Racconti dal mondo”, aims to contribute to the institutional objectives of the National Agency for Youth – Action 1.2 – through a theatre and expressive workshop with children and their families who frequent kindergarten in Borgo S. Maria (PU), which will make a real contribution to the development of an inclusive community, especially youth.

It will be designed through participatory process, which aims to initiate processes of prevention, promoting sociability, active citizenship and European awareness.

The Project will last 10 months. Young people will take part and seek to enhance the multicultural inclusion in their community, educational and social, in the profound belief in the necessity of having to be strictly related social action, educational and cultural research.

Through the laboratory a group will grow up, will enhance and organize the different attitudes towards a collective aim. The intent is to create two levels of laboratory-research: first the formation of a team between young people and families and together the meeting between young people of the territory, also already engaged in a research of different culture of the others countries thorough the fables. It will conclude with a performance and a congress to show the results of the project.

Il laboratorio: (dicembre 2010 – giugno 2011)

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Lo spettacolo: 4 giugno 2011
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